Introduction to a user-friendly software simulating circuits which work in high-frequencies, so as implementation of an example circuit, while producing layout for printing.
Characterize of passive components – Learning of using modern testing instruments – Spectrum and Network vector analyzer.
The experiment takes two meeting, each takes five hours.
Overview of transmission lines: Performing impedance adjusting in several methods between a source and a load (based on microstrip transmission lines), using computerized Smith diagram, impedance calculators, VSWR, and video graphical presentation.
Overview of passive components:
- Different kinds of power attenuators
- Wilkinson power splitters
- Quad -3dB Branch coupler
- Microstrip coupled lines filter
- Circulator + isolator – printed on a board
- Mixer
First meeting:
Designing, simulating and producing layout of a passive component such as: coupled lines filter, branch filter and so on. The simulation is performed on Microwave Office.
Second meeting:
Spectral measuring and vector measuring (phase, amplitude, delay) on variety of passive components using modern testing instruments made by HP:
vector analyzer – HP8753E
Spectrum analyzer – HP8563E
- Prerequesities – Waves and distributed systems or Recieving and transmitting techniques
- The experiment’s booklet includes preparation questions and experimental procedure.
- You can have a CD – includes many references, calculators, graphs, calculated Smith diagram and more
- It is essential to sign on the instruction for a safe work in the lab.